Friday, May 09, 2008

More on storybooks

For years I have been trying to remember a book series that, as a young child, I was in love with. Deeply. I've never been able to recall the series name, but my sister and I would sit around and talk about how we loved those "Mr." and "Litte Miss" characters, crudely drawn and hilariously fun. I always said that I'd buy a huge stock of the books if I could ever get my hands on them. If the memory ever came back to me.

And now here I am, working with Nick in the background, and what pops up? The Mr. Men Show! Ah-ha!

I love the books mostly because of the cute illustrations, but also the stories, at least at that age, seemed well-constructed, highly entertaining, and the characters and their emotions and tribulations felt real. I felt annoyed that my faded memory prevented me from originally presenting this as my Show and Tell, but now I'm all smiles.

I see you bubbling all over the place -- you're yeasty, and I think it's grand!

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